
미 남부 프메 최고위원회(33도) 사이트

YOROKOBI 2007. 7. 26. 23:19

http://www.srmason-sj.org/web/index.htm 에 가서 보시면


에 트루만 대통령, FBI 후버 국장, 맥아더 원수, 가이드포스트 발행인 노만 빈센트 필, 연합 감리교회 감독 칼 샌더스, 미국 행진곡의 제왕 존 필립 소사, 골프 황제 아놀드 파머, 우주비행사 존 글랜 등이 이 조직의 최고 지위인 33도에 올라 있는 내용이 있는 걸 확인할 수 있네요.


뭐 가보시기 귀챦으신분은 밑에 보시면 되겠네요.

Supreme Temple Architects Hall of Honor

The dedication of the Supreme Temple Architects Hall of Honor was one of the highlights of the 1991 Biennial Session. An original oil portrait of President Harry S. Truman, 33°, donated by the Scottish Rite Foundation of Missouri in 1990, was the premier painting installed in the Hall. Since then, 31 other portraits, with one pending as of 2004, have been installed in the Hall. Among them are such outstanding American Scottish Rite Freemasons as General James (Jimmy) Doolittle, 33°, G.C.; Gene Autry, 33°, G.C.; Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, 33°, G.C.; Will Rogers, 32°; Senator Sam J. Ervin, 33°; and Bishop Carl J. Sanders, 33°, G.C. In order to assure an aesthetic harmony to this very special area in the House of the Temple, all Hall of Honor paintings are commissioned by the Supreme Council from Jean Pilk, a well-known Washington area portrait artist who has created official portraits for such notables as Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Governor L. Douglas Wilder, and General Colin Powell. In addition, special lighting and a custom-woven carpet complete the Hall's distinctive character. In upcoming years, this illustrious pantheon of Masonic heroes, both past and present, will be completed with pride by the Scottish Rite, for in donating a portrait to the Temple Architects Hall of Honor, the Brethren not only honor our nation's most outstanding Scottish Rite Masons, but also give support to the House of the Temple, thus preserving it for generations to come.

Click on any of the Honorees to see a larger image of the portrait

Harry S. Truman, 33°

John Edgar Hoover, 33°, Grand Cross

Dee A. Strickland, 33°

Gene Autry, 33°, Grand Cross

S. Barry Casey, 33°

James H. Doolittle, 33°, Grand Cross

Norman Vincent Peale, 33°, Grand Cross

Carl J. Sanders, 33°, Grand Cross

Charles E. Webber, 33°

Robert L. Dillard, Jr, 33°, Grand Cross

Sam J. Ervin, Jr. 33°, Grand Cross

William Mercer Hollis, 33°

Will Rogers, 32°

Douglas MacArthur, 33°

Sam Nunn, 33°, Grand Cross

Edgar F. Magnin, 33°

Arleigh A. Burke, 33°

Robert J. Dole, 33°, Grand Cross

Arnold D. Palmer, 33°

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, 33°, Grand Cross

Abner V.McCall, 33°, Grand Cross

John Philip Sousa, 33°

Burl Ives, 33°, Grand Cross

Audie Murphy, 33°

Sam E. Hilburn, 33°

John H. Glenn, Jr., 33°

William Jarboe Wohlfarth, 33°

Laurance Jones III, 33°

George E. Dewese, 33°

Henry Yaskal, 33°

Harold L. Gwatney, 33°, G.C.

Joseph H. S. Smith, 32°

Go to the Rooms and Special Collections Page
Photo of the Hall of Honor: ©Maxwell MacKenzie, Washington, D.C.