대한민국에 가짜 학위의 돌풍이 불어 닥쳤고 일단 예술계와 연예계에 비상이 걸렸습니다. 하지만 가짜 학위는 아마도 교계에 가장 많지 않을까 추측해 봅니다. 아래는
가짜 해외 대학 리스트입니다. 많은 수가 기독교 계통입니다. 저도 확인해 봤는데 저를 가르치셨던 교수님 한분도 아래에 있는 학교의 석사 학위를 가지고 계시더군요.
List of unaccredited institutions of higher learning From Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unaccredited_institutions_of_higher_learning#List
아래 대학은 어떤 정식 기관에서도 인증을 받지 못한 가짜 대학입니다 이대학들이 발행한 졸업장은 법적으로 무효이므로 원어민 강사 채용시 참조 하시어 불이익 당하지 않으시길 바랍니다.
Adam Smith University (purportedly in Monrovia, Liberia) Akamai University (same operator as Greenwich University) All India Naturopathy Council Alabama Pacific University Almeda University (aka Almeda College and University) Alternative Medicine Research Institute (aka The Alternative Medicines Research
Organization) Ambassador University Corporation American Austin University American Bible College and Seminary (there was an accredited school by this name
that closed) American Center for Religion and Society Studies American Central University (in Wyoming) American Institute of Computer Science (same operator as Clayton College of
Natural Health and Chadwick University) (in Alabama) American Institute of Health Care Professionals, Inc. American Global Universities American Global University School of Medicine (address in Columbus, Ohio and
Belmopan, Belize) American National University American Open University (Alexandria, Virginia) American Pacific University American Pacwest International University American State University (Hawaii) (aka Hamilton University, Hamilton University of
Wyoming, and Richardson University) American Universities Admission Program[2] American University of Biblical Studies American University of London American University of Hawaii[3](in Gulfport, Mississippi and Clinton, Mississippi)
(Not to be confused with University of Hawaii) American World University (registered in Pascagoula, Mississippi, operator in
California) Andersonville Theological Seminary Arkansas Biblical Graduate School Armstrong-Clark University Ashford University (London) (not to be confused with Ashford University in Clinton,
Iowa) Ashwood University Athenaeum University International Atlantic Baptist Bible College Badaganvi Sarkar World Open University Education Society Baptist Christian University in Shreveport, Louisiana (Renamed in 1993 to Louisiana Baptist University) Baptist College of America Baptist College of Ministry Barber-Scotia College (in Concord, North Carolina) Bay Ridge Christian College Bienville University (in Mississippi, Woodville) Belford University(not to be confused with the University of Bedford which is linked
to University Degree Program) (a PO Box in Humble, Texas) Bennington University(not to be confused with Bennington College) Berne University Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad B. H. Carroll Theological Institute (aka Benajah Harvey Carroll Theological Institute) Bircham International University (formally Oxford International University) Brentwick University (aka University Degree Program) Breyer State University (Birmingham, Alabama) British West Indies Medical College (earlier known as West Indies College of
Naturopathic Medicine and Surgery)[4][5] Bronte International University (aka Trinity College and University) Buxton University (not to be confused with the University of Derby's Buxton
campus) (Connected with instantdegrees.com) California American University California Biblical University and Seminary California College of Natural Medicine (in Santa Cruz, California) California Graduate School of Theology California Pacific School of Theology Calvary Chapel Bible College Calvin School of Apologetics and Theology (Kerala, India) Cambridge State University (in Jackson, Mississippi) ("district officials discovered
the school has an extensive criminal history and is
nothing more than a diploma mill.")[6] Camford Business School Capitol University Canadian Institute of English Canyon College (in Caldwell, Idaho) Center of University Graduate Studies Graduate College (Texas) Central Louisiana University Central University (Seoul, Korea) Canbourne University (not to be confused with Camborne School of Mines) Chadwick University (same operator as Clayton College of Natural Health) (in
Alabama) Chase University Champion Baptist College Chicago Graduate School of Theology Christ For The Nations Institute Christian Bible College (Rocky Mount, North Carolina) Clarksville School of Theology Clayton College of Natural Health[7] (same operator as Chadwick University) (in
Alabama) Clayton University (Hong Kong) Columbia Evangelical Seminary (aka Faraston Theological Seminary) Columbia Pacific University (now Columbia Commonwealth College in Wyoming) Columbia State University Columbus University (Picayune, Mississippi)[8] (Closed by state action in
Louisiana[33]) Commercial University Ltd. Commonwealth Baptist College (Kentucky) Commonwealth Open University (not to be confused with Commonwealth Institute) Compassion Bible Institute (Dallas, Texas) Concordia College and University (This institution is in no way connected to the Concordia University System or with Concordia University) Crescent City Christian College (Metairie, Louisiana) ("basically a coach's house —
no campus, no facilities, no faculty, no library that
anyone could discover")[9] Crown College (Tennessee) (Knoxville, Tennessee) Dallas State College Dargo College and University D.D.B. Sanskrit University Degrees-R-Us (aka Lexington University) Delhi Vishwa Vidyapeeth Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary in Allen Park, Michigan Donsbach University Dublin Metropolitan University Dublin European Institute (not to be confused with institute of the same name at
National University of Ireland, Dublin) Eagle Forum University Earlscroft University Eastern Baptist Institute École supérieure Robert de Sorbon (purportly in France, but linked to diploma mills
in Sarasota, Florida) (aka American Universities Admission Program)[10] Esalen Institute European Business School (Cambridge( / Euro Business School (linked to Irish
International University, see below) Edison University (aka University of San Gabriel Valley, Southland University,
LaSalle University) Elim Bible Institute Ellington University (aka University Consulting Inc.) European Open University[11] Not to be confused with the European Open
Universities Network at European Association of
Distance Teaching Universities European University of Ireland Education Council of Tamil Nadu Faith Theological Seminary and Christian College Faith Way Baptist College Fairmount International University (same operator as Preston University) Flamel College (Sacramento, California) Focus on the Family Institute Gandhi Hindi Vidyapith Gammon Theological Seminary Geneva Reformed Seminary Glencullen University ("A phony 'Irish university' is marketing degrees internationally
via the Internet. An EL reporter in the US, posing as a rospective
student, has been offered an English literature degree from
'Glencullen University', without any study, for $960.")[12] Glenndale University (not to be confused with Glendale University College of Law in
California) Global College of Natural Medicine (in Santa Cruz, CA) Golden State Baptist College Golden State School of Theology (Stockon, California) Golden State University (aka Honolulu University) (not to be confused with Golden Gate University) Grace Baptist College Great Lakes Bible College Greenleaf University Greenwich University (in Hilo, Hawaii and Australia) (not to be confused with
University of Greenwich, London, England) Gulf Coast Bible Institute Gulf Southern University (Louisiana) Hamilton University (aka American State University, Hamilton University of Wyoming,
and Richardson University)(not to be confused with Hamilton College) Harrington University (aka University Degree Program) Hartley University (aka University Degree Program) Hindu online University( India) Harvard University for External Studies (not to be confused with Harvard Extension
School) Hawaii College of Pharmacy Heartland Baptist Bible College Holy Trinity College and Seminary (New Port Richey, Florida) Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary (Jordanville, New York) Honolulu University (aka Honolulu University of the Arts, Sciences, and Humanities)
[13] Hubbard College of Administration International Hyles-Anderson College Illinois Theological Seminary online Indian Education Council of U.P Indian Institute of Planning and Management Indian Virtual University( Singapore) Indiana Christian University Indo American University Instantdegrees.com (aka Buxton University) Institute of Noetic Sciences Instituto Tecnológico de Tehuacán[14] Internet Bible College International Academy of Science (Independence, Missouri) International Open University Of Medicine (New Delhi, India) International Institute of Management (Las Vegas, Nevada) International Theological Seminary International University of Engineering & Technology (India) International University of Fundamental Studies IOND University (Hawaii, Japan)[15][7][16] Irish International University/Irish International University of Europa Irish University Business School Islamic Institute of Philosophy Islamic online University Jackson Hole Bible College (Jackson Hole, Wyoming) (a one year only school) James Monroe International University (aka James Monroe University and Saint
Regis University) Johann Keppler School of Medicine Kansas City College and Bible School Kepler College (aka Kepler College of Astrological Arts and Sciences) Kennedy-Western University (now called Warren National University) (Adminstration
in Agoura Hills, California, and offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming) Kensington University[17] Kent College (Louisiana)[18] Kesarwani Vidyapith King's International University (not to be confused with King's University College in
Edmonton, AB) Kingsfield University (aka University Degree Program) Kingsway Christian College (aka Kingsway Christian College and Seminary)
(Norwalk, Iowa) Knightsbridge University (aka University Degree Program) Koinonia Institute (Idaho) Lacrosse University (aka La Crosse University) Landford University LaSalle University (Louisiana) [19][20] (not to be confused with La Salle University
(Philadelphia), or with LaSalle Extension University (Chicago)]) Lamberhurst University Note same telephone number as Canbourne University Lexington University (aka Degrees R Us) Livets Ord University (Sweden) Logos Christian College and Graduate Schools London College of Technology[34] Louisiana Baptist University in Shreveport, Louisiana (Originally called Baptist
Christian University, but renamed in 1993) Loyola State University (not to be confused with any of the institutions mentioned
at Loyola University) Madison State University (in Farmingdale, New York) (not to be confused with
University of Wisconsin-Madison or James Madison University) Madison University (in Gulfport, Mississippi) (not to be confused with University of
Wisconsin-Madison or James Madison University) Maharana Patap Shiksha Niketan Vishwavidyalaya Mahila Gram Vidyapith Maithili University Maimonides University Maritime Christian College Maritime Greenwich College (not to be confused with University of Greenwich)[21] Marlborough University Master's Divinity School (not to confused with the Master's College and the Master's Seminary) McQueen's University of Technology Metropolitan Collegiate Institute (associated with the fake teaching hospital Sussex
General Hospital, both purportedly in London)[22] Midstates Bible College (Des Moines, Iowa) Midwestern Baptist College (aka Midwestern Bible College) Millwood University Miracle Valley Bible College (aka Miracle Valley Bible College & Seminary) Modern Institute of Reflexology (Lakewood, Colorado) Montferrat University (Montferrat Collegium University, Friedburgh Collegium
University) Monticello University Mountain States Baptist College National-Louis University in Evanston, Illinois (Not to be confused with the
legitimate school) National University of Electro Complex Homeopathy Nations University (aka NationsUniversity) Newport University (California) New Life Theological Seminary New Geneva Theological Seminary (Colorado Springs, Colorado) New Testament Christian Seminary (Graham, Washington) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose University Northfield University (not to be confused with the Northfield Mount Hermon School)
(aka University Degree Program) North Tennessee Bible Institute Novus University International (Mississippi) Open University of America Open University of India Oxford Graduate School Pacific Baptist Bible College (Long Beach, California) Pacific International University (aka Pacific College Incorporated and Pacific College
of Graduate Studies) Pacific Southern University Pacific Western University Parkwood University (aka University Degree Program) Patriot Bible University (aka Patriot University) in Del Norte, Colorado Peace River Bible Institute (in Sexsmith, Alberta, Canada) Pensacola Bible Institute Pensacola Christian College Perfect Image Beauty & Cosmetology Academy Preston University (Cheyenne, Wyoming, Dubai, and Pakistan) Providence Baptist College Queensland Christian University (Australia) Queens University of Brighton Randford University (not to be confused with Radford University) Raja Arabic University Rastriya Shiksha Parishad(India) Rastriya Sewak Samaj(India) Rastriya Vidyapeeth(India) Recoleta University Redding University (California) Redstone University(India) Regent International University[23](not to be confused with Regent University) Richardson University (Bahamas) (aka American State University, Hamilton
University and Hamilton University of Wyoming) Robertstown University (aka Saint Regis University) Rochville University (aka www.speedydegrees.com) Rushmore University (in Cayman Islands) Santa Monica Pacific University School of Accounting and Management (Trinidad and Tobago)[35] Scofield Graduate School Seattle Bible College Sequoia University (aka College of Drugless Healing) Shaftesbury University (aka University Degree Program) Shelborne University (aka University Degree Program) Shepherd Bible College Shepperton University (aka University Degree Program) Slidell Baptist Seminary South Pacific University Southern Christian University Southwestern Christian University (renamed Regions University) Sri Venkateswara Open University (India) St Christopher Iba Mar Diop College of Medicine St. Clements University (Called a "degree mill" by the State of Maine[24], but
removed from list after a formal action taken by St Clements University.[25]) St. Elias School of Orthodox Theology St Johns University School of Medicine St. Luke Evangelical School Of Biblical Studies St. Luke School of Medicine St. Regis University (not to be confused with Regis University) (aka James Monroe
International University and James Monroe University) S.S.K University, Chennai Stafford University Stamford International University (not to be confused with Stanford University) Strassford University Stanford University (Arkansas) Stanton University (aka University Degree Program) Suffield University (Connecticut)[26] Summit Christian College (in Scottsbluff, Nebraska) (aka Platte Valley Bible College) Summit Theological Seminary Summit University (aka Summit University of Louisiana) Tabernacle Baptist Theological Seminary (in Virginia Beach, Virginia) Temple Baptist College Tennessee Bible College Tennessee Temple Theological Seminary Texas Baptist College The Center for Independent Studies at Miami The Indian Institute of Planning and Management The Open International University for Alternative Medicine (India) (Missing from
UNESCO's list[27]) Thames Valley College Limited (A company based in London, UK) Thornewood University (aka University Degree Program) Tooling University Trinity College and University (not to be confused with institutions listed at Trinity
College) (aka Trinity College & University) Trinity College of Natural Health (in Warsaw, IN) Trinity School of Apologetics & Theology (aka Trinity Graduate School of
Apologetics And Theology) (Kerala, India) Trinity Southern University (See: Colby Nolan)[28] Trinity Theological Seminary (not to be confused with Trinity Evangelical Divinity
School) Trump University Tyndale Theological Seminary Urban Harvest Bible Institute & Seminary University Consulting Inc. (The parent group of some diploma mills) University Degree Program (nearly 50 institutions linked to this operation) University of Asia University of Bedford (linked to University Degree Program)( not to be confused
with the unaccredited Belford University) University of Berkley (in Erie County, Pennsylvania) University of Beverly Hills University of Devonshire (aka University Degree Program) University of Dunham (aka University Degree Program) University of Central Europe (Pascagoula, Mississippi) University of England University of Engineering & Technology ( India ) University of Esoterica and the Esoteric Theological Seminary ((Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board states: "Degrees from either entity are issued illegally
and illegal to use...") University of Health Sciences Antigua University of Natural Medicine (in San Dimas, CA) University of North America University of Northern Washington University of NorthWest University of Palmers Green University of Ravenhurst University of San Gabriel Valley University of San Moritz University of Santa Monica[29] University of Sussex at Brantridge University of Switzerland University of the Nations (Provost office in Switzerland; Records in UK) University of the Nations at Kona (Hawaii) University of Wexford (aka University of Wexford at Zurich) Uttar Pradesh Vishwavidyalaya Vancouver University Worldwide Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya Victory Baptist College Virginia International University[30] Visible School Vision Christian University (Ramona, California) (aka Logos Bible College) Vision Christian Bible College and Seminary Vision International University (Ramona, California) Warnborough University Name changed to Warnborough College (Ireland) seeking
accreditation Warren National University (formally Kennedy-Western University) Washington International University (in Pennsylvania) West Clayton University (Humble, Texas) (College Degree Fast) West Coast Baptist College Westhampton University Weston Reserve University (not to be confused with Case Western Reserve
University) Whitefield College World Mission University Zion Ministerial Institute